Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 16 Day 1 (Monday, April 30) - Homework

1. Complete course evaluation for Visual Communication II (log on with your 4x4 at
by May 4.

2. Continue assembling your process book that will include both Visual Communication II and Type I projects and refining all class exercises/projects. Any relevant and effective improvements made to projects may positively affect your grade.

Process book and revised projects due next week during Sophomore Reviews (May 8-9)

3. The following projects for Vis Comm II must be printed, pinned and presented for Sophomore reviews next week:

  • 10x10 Energy Drink Exercise
  • Farmer's Market Icons
  • Produce Process Animation (4-6 screenshots from video)
  • Information Design: US Food Consumption

**click thumbnails below to see full sized images

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Week 15 Day 2 (Wednesday, April 25) - Homework

1. Final Critique for History of Typography Project will take place next class, Monday, April 30.

What to submit:
a) Print outs for entire timeline. Pin to wall by Monday at 9:30am/1:30pm. Projects pinned after the start of class will be marked down as late.

b) Upload PDF of design document to instructor station by 9:30am/1:30pm.

2. Complete course evaluation for Vis Comm II (log on with your 4x4 at

Completing all of your Spring 2012 evaluations will automatically enter you into a drawing to win one of three Apple iPad 2.

3. Continue Visual Journal blog daily entries. **This will be the last week I am requiring M-F entries.

4. Continue refinement of Vis Comm II exercises to include in Process Book.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 15 Day 1 (Monday, April 23) -Homework

1. Continue visual development for History of Typography/Communication project. Final presentations for project due for critique next week, Monday, April 30.

2. Continue Visual Journal blog daily entries.

3. Continue refinement of Vis Comm II exercises to include in Process Book

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Week 14 Day 2 (Wednesday, April 18) - Homework

1. Continue visual development for History of Typography/Communication project. Final presentations for project due for critique in two weeks, Monday, April 30.

2. Continue Visual Journal blog daily entries.

3. Continue refinement of Vis Comm II exercises to include in Process Book

Process Book: Vis Comm II list

Exercises/Projects to include in Vis Comm II of process book:

1. 10x10 Energy Drink
2. Farmer Market Icons
3. Produce Process Animation
4. Information Design (Food consumption comparisons)
5. History of Typography (Timeline project)

Each piece should showcase various stages of projects (research, brainstorming, rough sketches, initial designs, final design). Relevant and effective refinements and improvements are expected for all exercises and projects.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week 13 Day 2 (Wednesday, April 11) - Homework

1. Continue visual development for History of Typography/Communication project.

2. Continue Visual Journal blog daily entries.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Week 13 Day 1 (Monday, April 9) - Homework

Midpoint crit for timeline project due at start of class, Wednesday, April 11. Print out all pages for review.